san antonio

Caleb + Elizabeth

I am not sure how many San Antonio photographers have ever done a session in La Villita, but let’s just say I was blown away with the colors I got to play with. Not only were Caleb and Elizabeth a great couple to work with, but their chemistry in these pictures left no doubt to the unbeliever. From slow dancing to hanging out with their pup Mia, I was left enchanted. I hope you are too.

Wilborn Indoor Session

On this cloudy/rainy day I would like to post a recent indoor session we had in the month of January. The Wilborn family holds a special place in our hearts. Amy and Trey are about to have a new addition to their sweet family of three. Meanwhile, Reese is enjoying all the cuddles as a single child before her little brother comes along. This session was all indoors with natural lighting. In my opinion, there is no better session than to be in the comfort of your own home!