At a month post partum I was asked to do a family session in Santiago, Chile. It was going to take place days before our departure, before our big move to Texas. My first instinct was to say, “definitely not”. However, after thinking about it, the fact that it would be our last session in Chile, made me think twice. So here I was, four weeks after giving birth and ready to do a family session.
Tamsin is a chilean photographer who also focuses on family sessions. The fact that she was also a photographer intimidated me some. Having your work exposed to another artist is nerve wrecking. However, Tamsin was so kind and gentle that I was not nervous for too long. Recently she celebrated ten years of being in Chile. She is from England, married to a Chilean. The expat community is strong in Chile and I was so glad to have been able to meet and spend some time with Tamsin and her family.
After some freezing weather in Texas it’s good to see the sun and enjoy Wednesday with a cup of coffee and some cookies. Enjoy more sunshine as you scroll through this family session.