If you travel six hours south of Santiago, Chile you will find yourself in Pedro and Camila's homeland: Concepción, Chile. If you travel 12 hours more, you will find yourself on a beautiful Island called Chiloé. About two months back, Pedro, his wife and us, started planning what was to be an epic adventure down south. On this long skinny country we currently call home, we have gotten to know some of the sweetest people on earth. Pedro and Camila are not the exception; together, they made us feel welcomed into their plans. We came to the realization pretty quickly that the Castros were going to Castro, Chiloé with new but awesome chilean friends.
Camila is an elementary school teacher, while Pedro is getting his masters as a biochemist. Every day, Pedro meets with students and shares the love of Jesus with his fellow classmates as well as to his professors. On this four day adventure that we found oureslves in, I took the liberty to document the love they've had for two years as a married couple; their anniversary happens to fall just a few days before ours. Needless to say, December is a magical month in which love reigns. We wish Pedro and Camila a happy anniversary and many many more years for them to grow in love.
Camila + Pedro
in Engagement, Portrait, Travel