Well if you have ever wonder who we really work for (besides God, of course), look no further! I had the privilege a couple of weeks ago to document the Renfro family, our missionary mentors here in Santiago, Chile. In other words, our bosses. The first of many bosses, but seriously, the ones we really keep accountable to. This family has had a tremendous impact in all of Chile. About eight years ago they decided to leave friends, family and belongings to live out the call they believed God had placed in their lives : to reach university students for Jesus. Josh and Mayra hold a special place in our hearts because they also graduated from our Alma Mater and were involved in Chi Alpha just like us. You will see in the pictures that eight years later they have acquired two beautiful kiddos: Naomi and John Mark.
Now, we all serve together, and if it wasn't for this family I can assure you we wouldn't have thought thateverything we have done thus far was even possible. They are an inspiration to many because they follow truth.