
Birth Story- Jovie Grace

A few days before Jovie’s birth I was crying myself to sleep, anxious about the unknown, about the future really. I knew this was not from the Lord so I asked Him, “Lord, will you please take this worry away from me? I cannot do this anymore. I need to trust You”. In the midst of my “moment of crisis” I heard a small inner voice tell me “November 15” I paused, stopped praying and asked Him, “Is that You Lord?”. Nothing. Yet, I felt such peace about this number. I said to myself “that’s the day she will be born!”. 

You see… I was already 40 weeks pregnant, and if Jovie did not come before week 41 I was to be induced, something I was trying to avoid. In the meantime I kept trying to induce naturally. Walking, eating pineapple, smelling clary sage oil, you name it! I was desperate. So on the morning of November 15 I decided to do everything in my power to have that baby out. That day I walked about three miles with my 40 week plus one day belly. After eating lunch and walking back to our apartment I realized that Jovie was most likely not coming on the 15th. Maybe I had just heard wrong, it looked like I was going to make it to week 41. That night we went to Casa de Vida (our bible study group). We had a typical Chilean Once (dinner) and chatted about life. Every time I go to small group I laugh so much; this night was no different. While everyone was enjoying their once, I thought to myself “what if this is the last meal I eat before Jovie comes. A chilean once… how funny will that be?”. And that was it. I didn’t think of it any longer. Everyone joked and laughed about Jovie not wanting to come out yet. More jokes and more laughter... it was 11pm already; November 15 had come and gone like any other day. Before getting back to our apartment our friends Nati and Mario told us, “if anything happens please call us. It doesn’t matter if it’s 3 o’clock in the morning”. I smiled and nodded. I would for sure call. They were my family away from home here in Santiago. 

On November 16 at 2:30 in the morning I woke up with pain. I thought it was my stomach, a little gas you know what I mean? I went to the restroom and as soon as I laid down again I felt a strong cramp on my lower abdomen, and that’s when I knew. I knew it was not gas hahah!. Still on my bed, laying on my side, I woke up Brian and said, “Brian? I think I just had a contraction…”.

Brian quickly got up and started timing the contractions with me. I got out my pregnancy + app and started documenting them as well. I was still in doubt because I did not feel “bad”, but I knew that what I was feeling was definitely unusual. An hour passed and they were constant. 7 minutes apart, 5 minutes apart. Some were stronger and getting more painful, and others were minimal. Yet, I still did not believe I was in labor! After talking to a friend back in the states (by this time it was already close to 4am) I decided to contact my midwife. I was a nervous wreck as I called because I still could not believe that it was real. That she was coming. What if it was false labor?

After explaining to my midwife all my symptoms she gave me the green light to come to the hospital so she could check me. Brian had been preparing himself some coffee and when he heard me say, “ok, we will see you in 30 minutes” he jumped and immediately rushed his coffee making. Looking back it was funny but at the time all I could tell him was “hurry!”.  A little background information : at 40 weeks pregnant I had not been dilating at all. Just a few days before, my midwife had mentioned that she did not think Jovie was going to come in the next five days. (It was day four when she decided to come). On our way to the hospital I kept having contractions; they were getting stronger. Once we arrived I was offered a wheelchair to get to my midwife but I declined, sitting down just made the pain much worse. Walking and taking the elevator to the fourth floor had me anxious. I kept on thinking that it wasn’t real; I mean, wasn’t this supposed to feel worse? I spoke to soon, because three hours later I was definitely in pain and asking for some relief. 

“You are almost three centimeters dilated. You will be staying in today.” It was around 5:30am when I heard those words and then I knew that it was actually happening. That she was coming and there was no turning back.  Our friends Nati and Mario came rushing to the hospital after I took them up on their offer. It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am… well it was around that time that I let them know I was going to the hospital. Contractions came stronger, much quicker, and at a rhythmic pace. It was harder to concentrate and breathe. In the middle of labor I asked, “when is it too late to take the epidural?”. My midwife had told me the longer I could withstand the pain, the better. I did not want to delay my labor with the epidural but I was also sure that I wanted one! I heard her say, “when you think you will not be able to stand still during a contraction.” I then knew It was time to get some relief because she was going to come soon and I was already feeling like I would pass out. Once the epidural came it was heaven… no joke. Then I started “practicing” my pushing. For an hour and a half I practiced. Take a deep breath, breath out, take another deep breath and this time HOLD, and push for ten seconds. I must have done this around ten times when I heard the midwife say, “do you want to feel her head?” I knew what she meant with that question. She meant, “do you want to see how close you are to see her?” I nodded as she guided my hand to touch my daughter’s head. I could not believe it. She was almost here!

Throughout the entire time that I was pushing, Brian was by my side coaching me. Out of the two of us, I speak the most Spanish due to it being my native language. Yet, during labor I could not for the life of me understand my midwife’s instructions. I was in a daze, feeling a little confused. Brian was the one who understood what was happening and was able to translate and tell me in English so that I could understand. haha! How ironic! Two years ago I would have never thought that would be possible. I must have only pushed twice after feeling Jovie’s head when Brian told me, “babe, she’s almost here!” and as soon as he gazed back Jovie was already out. Immediately she was placed in my chest for some much awaited bonding time (let me just say momma’s and soon to be momma’s, that skin to skin is the best!). Her cry was perfect. Her eyes were open wide. It was the highest moment of my life. I don’t think you can ever live that moment again. It comes and goes, but it’s only once in a lifetime. After cleaning her up and checking to see if she was okay, Jovie came back into my arms and immediately started breastfeeding. It’s as if she already knew. She knew what she was supposed to do, she knew that she had just been born. Those eyes did not close for slumber for quite a while. We, the Castros, were instantly smitten with Jovie Grace.

Birth changes you, not just physically but also spiritually. On November 16, 2017 I understood that what I thought I heard that night was not that Jovie would be born on the 15th, but that it would be my last day as a whole person. Yes, my heart is shared with my husband and since day one of our marriage we are not complete without each other. However, what I did not realize, was that November 15 would be my last day to share my love with Brian alone. The world changed at 8:41 am the very next day. Jovie Grace, born at 7 1/2 pounds, 19 inches long, changed our lives. We are now incomplete without her love. We love you Jovie Grace. 


- The Castros 


P.S We were not able to take many pre-labor pictures due to being without a photographer. Once our friend came, she was able to capture a few moments for us. Grateful for Andrea Parra! The last few pictures in color were taken at the comfort of our own home. 


Friday Introduction

Hello! My Name is Clarita Michel Castro, but friends call me Michel (pronounced as michelle). I am 29 years old, 8 months pregnant, and have a wonderful husband named Brian, AKA my partner in crime. This December we will be married six years! Woot woot! We are a husband and wife team, willing to get creative with our clients in order to reveal the extraordinary.  


It’s been more than a year since we have last introduced ourselves. When I say “we” I mean my husband and I. But, as many already know, we are adding a new member to the family: our beloved Jovie Grace. She is due November 14, and we cannot wait to meet her!

Today I want to Introduce myself to those who may not know anything about us, or those who simply haven’t heard from us directly for quite a while. I am excited to write a small summary about what has been happening in the last two years, along with sharing some of my maternity pictures that my awesome husband took of me the other day. 



About three years ago, we started the process to become missionaries. We did not know that it would be to Santiago, Chile. Yet, after much prayer, we believe that God showed us our next step. We were to work amongst university students in the heart of Chile. We took this step of faith and gave it our all. You can click here to read about our work in Santiago. Then, after getting approved and raising our budget we headed to Central America in January of 2016 for language training. We lived for about eight months in San José, Costa Rica. Brian and I learned so much during this time. We spent much time in prayer, preparing our hearts for Chile, and learning how to improve our language in order to be effective in our ministry. Two trimesters flew by and it soon became evident that our lives were going to change yet again. Adjusting to a cultural setting (even for an immigrant as myself) was hard to get used to! There were days where we questioned our motives, were we asked, “Is this where we should be?”. Oh but how wrong we were to ask such questions. God had directed us, and with that, our trust in Him increased as time went by.



We arrived in Santiago on August 14, 2016. It was a very cold morning, very different from the tropics of Costa Rica. Our lives had changed again. It was another time of transition, cultural adjusting and new experiences. Pretty soon we had a schedule and met new friends. We were part of a team that consisted of other missionary couples/ families that had left everything in order to serve Jesus. Though physical family was far away, we found a spiritual family willing to love us and teach us along the way. During this past year and a half we have ministered to college students and have been involved in a city church plant. There have been highs and lows, but overall our time in Chile has been full of JOY. Then January 2017 came, and we began to think more about children. What if? We would ask. And so we decided to try and voila, we got pregnant pretty fast! March 11, 2017, we found out that the Castro family was going to have a new addition. By mid June, we found out this new baby was going to be a girl. After a long process of deciding on a name (it was difficult) we named her Jovie Grace. Jovie, because her name means cheerful, joyful, jovial. Grace, because we believe (and pray) God’s grace will follow her wherever she goes.

During this term of two years we have still kept in touch with our photography. It just looked a little different. Instead of constant families, weddings, engagements, we ventured into street, nature, and landscape photography. Along the way, we were able to bless families and couples with pictures as well. All of this with no profit gained. Our “clients” would bless us with food, a nice warm meal, a nice cup of coffee, and this just made our heart cheerful. Yet, during this time we missed our clients. We missed our photography. This was a GOOD different, but we knew we wanted more. Hence, we have decided to return to the States and pursue photography. 


Brian and I plan to return to the States by January 2018. If everything goes as planned we will be prepared to start accepting weddings February 2018! We have big plans coming to our photography and a possible side business (more of that next year ;) ). If you are a couple who is looking to get married in the year 2018, please reach out to us…we would love to have you as our client on our “return” back to the states. Please check out our portfolio and the different categories we have. To contact us, simply fill out our connect page form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

It is never too early to start choosing your wedding photographer! We hope to be part of your story…

Now to share my baby bump! Since we have been a tad busy lately we did not have time to hire another photographer, and well time is running out! Sadly the hubs is not in the pics, but I give all the credit to him, since he listened to my every request and picky comments! Here I am eight months pregnant! 






The Renfros

Well if you have ever wonder who we really work for (besides God, of course), look no further! I had the privilege a couple of weeks ago to document the Renfro family, our missionary mentors here in Santiago, Chile. In other words, our bosses. The first of many bosses, but seriously, the ones we really keep accountable to. This family has had a tremendous impact in all of Chile. About eight years ago they decided to leave friends, family and belongings to live out the call they believed God had placed in their lives : to reach university students for Jesus. Josh and Mayra hold a special place in our hearts because they also graduated from our Alma Mater and were involved in Chi Alpha just like us. You will see in the pictures that eight years later they have acquired two beautiful kiddos: Naomi and John Mark.

Now, we all serve together, and if it wasn't for this family I can assure you we wouldn't have thought thateverything we have done thus far was even possible. They are an inspiration to many because they follow truth.