LeeAnn + SidaLee

The following pictures tell a story. The story of a love so deep that rocks every woman. It is the deepest of human loves. I am speaking of the love of a mother and her child.

I’ve had the privilege to know this woman throughout most of my young adult life. I watched her grow into a beautiful woman. I watched her as she became a momma. I watched her as pain and hurt came into her life unexpectedly. I watched as she felt the loss of so many things around her. I watched her as she faced so many questions. In the midst of it all, she chose mercy and grace. She chose wisdom and truth. She is one of the bravest souls I know.

I hope these pictures give a small glimpse to the wonderful woman and momma she is. She is raising a young giant with a faith that can move mountains. I am so proud to call her a friend. SidaLee has the best momma!

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
    but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. "